Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Recording and Modifying Macros in Excel

  One can record macros in Excel to perform repetitive tasks. If you've never done this before you may need to look up "record macro" in Help. To record a macro activate the Developer tab and go to the code section. When one clicks on "Record Macro" one is asked to supply a name and complete a shortcut by adding a letter that will help activate it. Here is the VBA code for a recorded macro that copies a range of numbers and pastes the values into another column.

The " _" at the end of the 4th line indicates that the line is continued on the next line. The update macro used to repeat the copy and paste values operation and increment the tallies a given number of times uses VBA code to modify a similarly recorded macro that was give the name "update."

A macro that will zero the tallies is also useful.

If you've done everything correctly this is the what one can do.

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