Monday, January 21, 2019

Working with the Cardano-Viete Formulas in Excel

  Mathtype did a tweet on the Cardano-Viete relations a couple of days ago and I decided to see if Nio was capable of handling them now. He did ok as this video show.

The video also gives a peek at how he is able multiply polynomials.

  As you can tell, I'm working on a "token processor" and the functions in the video beginning with the letter "t" are some user functions that I wrote. It's still a work in progress and I  need to optimize the functions used and simplify the procedures as much as possible. Notice that I had to sort the terms of the polynomial product. Microsoft has a sort function beta that it is evaluating. One only needs to sort an index since that can be used with the Index function to sort more than one column. It would be more convenient if a range of sorted indices could be used to sort a corresponding column.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Multiplying Polynomials with Excel

  I've roughed out a procedure for multiplying two polynomials together in Excel. Here's a short video showing how easily it can do this sort of thing once it's been set up.

I've replaced the original video with one showing the variables being edited. One can play the video full screen or try enlarging it by zooming in on the browser page.